'Aksum Belle’: Afterwards

This body of work responds to the sensation of the before and after that continues to remain with us. Time, and the tracking of time, can lead us as Indigenous Peoples to believe in a lack of growth, and the sensation that we are lost or forgotten within our own land. What is built on the taken? The American mind is set to believe in conquest as a form of righteousness. This righteousness is built on a lack of knowledge and a truth splintered from the past. This is observed in the lack of respect given to the land and to people with a colonial consciousness. Colonizers see Indigenous Peoples of the land as ghosts or forgotten relics of the past. Our knowledge is seen as a loose or naive way of interpreting the world. The movement to decolonize has exposed the Indigenous wisdom that has been masked over by the absent-minded colonial approach. This work presents a way to see, share, learn, and dialogue toward healing the ignorance of conquest. 

ASKUM BELLE:AFTERWARDS 2019 Chico, CA Jacki Headley Gallery, CSU Chico

Curator: Kelly Lindner

Photos by : Jason Halley/University Photographer/CSU Chico